Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Tech resolution for the new year: Help your friends and family get rid of garbage apps

Many of you are visiting family for the holidays, which means you're sharing meals, telling stories, and exchanging gifts. In fact, quite a few of you may be giving phones or tablets to family members this year. If you're a regular around here, you're probably also known as the resident gadget expert, an honor that is both a compliment and a curse — you know what I'm talking about. While you might be trying to avoid impromptu tech support work, we would like to encourage taking a few minutes to do something for the greater good: Clean the trash apps from your family members' devices.

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Tech resolution for the new year: Help your friends and family get rid of garbage apps was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

from Android Police – Android news, reviews, apps, games, phones, tablets

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