Wednesday, September 26, 2018

[Update: Official] Google Maps' group planning Shortlist starts showing up for some users

  • Google has now announced that Shortlists are officially rolling out starting this week. We'll keep an eye out and let you know if an app update is necessary of

Summer is over and most Googlers are back at their desk working on releasing features we were promised at I/O 2018 (and making our lives, especially Cody's, a lot more busy). Just in the past couple of days, we've seen Photos' Color Pop effect and Assistant's new visual responses, and now, there's something new in Google Maps too: Shortlists.

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[Update: Official] Google Maps' group planning Shortlist starts showing up for some users was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

from Android Police – Android news, reviews, apps, games, phones, tablets

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