Thursday, October 26, 2017

Android 8.1 OTAs rolling out to beta users while manual OTA files temporarily on hold due to flashing errors

The images for the Android 8.1 developer preview may have gone live yesterday, but it took a full day for the OTA update to start rolling out. If you signed up for the Android Beta Program on a compatible device, you should see the 8.1 developer preview update hit your device soon.

On that note, Google also seems to have pulled the manual OTA file downloads for the 8.1 developer preview, so right now your only options for migrating to the developer preview are registering for the Android Beta Program and waiting for the update, or flashing from the full factory images onto an unlocked bootloader. 

That means right now only those on an unlocked bootloader can manually upgrade to the 8.1 developer preview images.

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Android 8.1 OTAs rolling out to beta users while manual OTA files temporarily on hold due to flashing errors was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

from Android Police – Android News, Apps, Games, Phones, Tablets

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