Wednesday, September 28, 2016

OnePlus releases community build 3.5.3 for OnePlus 3 with cellular data firewall, scrolling screenshots, and more


OnePlus is still plugging away at the merger of Oxygen and Hydrogen OS with a new community build for the OnePlus 3. This time, it's version 3.5.3, and the changes are surprisingly substantial. You can give it a shot now, but the usual warnings about bugs in pre-release software apply.

Here's the changelog provided by OnePlus.

  • Use AOSP clock as default clock
  • Added capability to uninstall some preinstalled apps, like FileManager, Weather, Recorder, MusicPlayer
  • Added expanded screenshots, you can now save a long screenshot of a scrollable page to cover more contents.
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OnePlus releases community build 3.5.3 for OnePlus 3 with cellular data firewall, scrolling screenshots, and more was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

from Android Police – Android News, Apps, Games, Phones, Tablets

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