Thursday, May 26, 2016

Skype's 7.0 Android Update Boasts A New Multi-Panel Interface For Tablets

tablet-9e280b3-chat1I'm going to be perfectly honest: I avoid Skype like the plague, because its Windows client is legendarily awful. I actually install it and immediately uninstall it every time I need to talk to someone who only uses Skype. Perhaps the Skype Windows developer team should accept a little help from the mobile side, because the latest release looks really good, especially on tablets. The Skype blog announced a revamped tablet user interface in version 7.0 of the Android app.

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Skype's 7.0 Android Update Boasts A New Multi-Panel Interface For Tablets was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

from Android Police – Android News, Apps, Games, Phones, Tablets

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