Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Netflix finally redesigns its player UI with larger controls and a 'Next Episode' button

Netflix might be one of the most popular video-on-demand services on the Internet, but it's by no means immune to mistakes. One of those mistakes was its now-former mobile player UI, which just wasn't very well thought-out. The company has finally redone the interface, and it's now much easier to use.


Get ready to change how you watch things with our new video player.
  • New forward and back 10-second buttons make it easy to jump to the exact point you want to.
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Netflix finally redesigns its player UI with larger controls and a 'Next Episode' button was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

from Android Police – Android news, reviews, apps, games, phones, tablets https://ift.tt/2IWOtke

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