Wednesday, February 28, 2018

T-Mobile's 5G plans: 600MHz and millimeter wave in 30 cities this year, but no devices

At this year's MWC, the buzzword that seems to be heard in most presentations and promotional materials is 5G, and T-Mobile isn't waiting around. AT&T has revealed some of its desires for 5G in the coming years, but team magenta's plans are ambitious. Even as it claims not to want to "win the 2018 race," the company wants 30 cities set up with high-frequency 5G by the end of 2018. Unfortunately, you won't actually be able to use it until next year. 

In both its press release and the recent announcement at MWC, T-Mobile was apt to poke fun at AT&T's recently announced plans, as the company's marketing is prone to do.

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T-Mobile's 5G plans: 600MHz and millimeter wave in 30 cities this year, but no devices was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

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