Tuesday, July 26, 2016

BlackBerry announces $299 DTEK50 Android phone, but it's just a rebranded Alcatel Idol 4

2016-07-26 10_56_51-ShopBlackBerry Online Store - DTEK50 by BlackBerry Bundle

BlackBerry is sticking with this Android thing despite sales for its first phone not being particularly stellar. Now, there's a second BlackBerry Android phone, the DTEK50. Unlike the PRIV, this one is mid-range and costs just $299. Also unlike the PRIV, it doesn't look like BlackBerry designed or built this one. The DTEK50 is a rebranded Alcatel Idol 4.

Externally, the DTEK50 is identical to the Idol 4, save for a custom back panel with BlackBerry branding.

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BlackBerry announces $299 DTEK50 Android phone, but it's just a rebranded Alcatel Idol 4 was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

from Android Police – Android News, Apps, Games, Phones, Tablets http://ift.tt/2aeFvfR

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